Political Jockies in Trouble or the Race as Good as Lost political cartoon, 1823
Political Jockies in Trouble or the Race as Good as Lost political cartoon, 1823

Political Jockies in Trouble or the Race as Good as Lost political cartoon, 1823

Permanent ID:
Call number:
Bb 612 P 759.1 and .2
Image Description:
In this chaotic scene, the Gubernatorial race in Pennsylvania in 1823 is in full action.  To the left, the Federalist candidate, Andrew Gregg rides his horse with a sign that reads, "Gregg & the Constitution" and it appears that he has won the horse race simultaneously.  Those around him are cheering for Andrew Gregg while John Andrew Shulze riding his donkey shows a delay and struggle as those around him speak their opinions aloud.  Although this particular political cartoon shows Gregg winning the horse race, in the end John Andrew Shulze running for the Democratic party defeated Federalist candidate Andrew Gregg.

An engraving, anonymously produced, published in Philadelphia?
Political cartoons