D. Sargent Bell

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Active 1890-1940
Dickenson Sargent Bell worked as a professional photographer in Philadelphia from the late 1890s through the early 1940s. He was the son of William H. Bell, a pioneer photographer active in Philadelphia from 1848-1905. D. Sargent Bell is first listed as a photographer in the 1896 city directory. By 1916, he opened a studio with Joseph Fisher at 1324 Walnut Street. Bell and Fischer operated at this address through 1920. Bell worked without a partner at various addresses from 1921 to 1942.Primarily photographs taken by Bell and Bell and Fischer. Subjects include the Bell Telephone Co., the Philadelphia Gas Works, Philadelphia department stores, business enterprises, exhibitions, furniture, eating establishments, religion, education, health care, organizations, industry, interior, streets, buildings, sports, and theatrical productions.