Samuel W. Pennypacker, 1843-1916
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Samuel Pennypacker was the 23rd Governor of Pennsylvania.
Pennypacker was born on April 9, 1843 in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. He attended Grovemont Seminary and was accepted into Yale University. His grandfather decided not to pay his tuition until he got some experience in the workforce. In 1862 Pennypacker became a teacher at Mont Clare in Montgomery County, and the following year, enlisted in the 26th Pennsylvania Emergency Regiment. After fighting in the militia, he returned to his studies and attended law school at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1870 he married Virginia Earle Broomall.
He served on the Philadelphia Board of Education in 1885 and later became the judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia. In 1900 he became the president of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. He defeated Robert Pattison for the office of Governor of Pennsylvania and served from 1903-1907. During the 1902 gubernatorial campaign, Charles Nelan of the North American drew a series of unflattering cartoons depicting candidate Pennypacker as a parrot of Matthew Quay. After the election, Pennsypacker signed into legislation the controversial Newspaper Libel Act of 1903. Also known as the Pennsylvania anti-cartoon law, the Newspaper Libel Act made it easier for editors to be sued for libel. The Newspaper Libel Act was extremely unpopular and was repealed in 1907. As Governor, Pennypacker also signed legislation to create the Pennsylvania State Archives and the State Museum of Pennsylvania. The Child Labor Act of 1905 was passed during his governorship. Samuel Pennypacker died on September 2, 1916.