Littlefield, Parsons & Co.

Entity Type:
Date Range:
1857 - 1866
MANUFACTURERS OF / Daguerreotype Cases. / L., P. & Co., are the sole / Proprietors and only legal Manu- / facturers of UNION CASES, with the / Embracing Riveted Hinge. / Patented October 14, 1856, / and April 21, 1857.
From "Nineteenth Century Photographic Cases and Wall Frames (2nd ed.)" by Paul K. Berg, p.20:
1857: successor company to A.P. Critchlow is founded by David Littlefield, Samuel L. Hill, and Isaac Parsons in North Hampton, MA and by 1860 also in Florence, MA
1866: company changes name to the Florence Manufacturing Company
Related Collection:
Historical Society of Pennsylvania cased photographs collection (is related to
is related to)