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Pemberton, Israel, 1813-1885

Entity Type:
Date Range:
May 11, 1813 - Sep. 13, 1885
Birth: May 11, 1813 Philadelphia County Pennsylvania, USA Death: Sep. 13, 1885 Paoli Chester County Pennsylvania, USA Engineer. He received his A.M. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1833. He worked as the Assistant Engineer of the Pensylvania Central Railroad and the US Coast Survey. He later was the Chief Engineer of the Steubenville and Indiana Railroad, The Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and, lastly, of the Raritan and Delaware Bay Railroad. He was the son of John Pemberton and Rebecca Clifford.
Related Collection:
Historical Society of Pennsylvania cased photographs collection (is related to
is related to)
Related People:
Pemberton, John
Newbold, Rebecca Pemberton
Pemberton Hollingsworth, Anna Clifford
Pemberton, Israel, 1813-1885
John Clifford Pemberton, 1814-1881
Pemberton, Andrew Jackson
Pemberton, Clifford
(is parent of)
Pemberton, Rebecca Clifford
Newbold, Rebecca Pemberton
Pemberton Hollingsworth, Anna Clifford
Pemberton, Israel, 1813-1885
John Clifford Pemberton, 1814-1881
Pemberton, Andrew Jackson
Pemberton, Clifford
(is parent of)
Pemberton, Rebecca Clifford
Pemberton, John
Newbold, Charles
Pemberton, Israel, 1813-1885
John Clifford Pemberton, 1814-1881
Pemberton, Andrew Jackson
(is sibling to)
Pemberton, Rebecca Clifford
Pemberton, John
Hollingsworth, Samuel
Pemberton, Israel, 1813-1885
John Clifford Pemberton, 1814-1881
Pemberton, Andrew Jackson
Pemberton, Clifford
Pemberton, Clifford
(is sibling to)
Pemberton, John
Pemberton, Rebecca Clifford
Pemberton Hollingsworth, Anna Clifford
Newbold, Rebecca Pemberton
Pemberton, Israel, 1813-1885
Pemberton, Andrew Jackson
Pemberton, Clifford
(is sibling to)
Pemberton, John
Pemberton, Rebecca Clifford
Pemberton Hollingsworth, Anna Clifford
Newbold, Rebecca Pemberton
Pemberton, Israel, 1813-1885
John Clifford Pemberton, 1814-1881
Pemberton, Andrew Jackson
Pemberton, Clifford
(is sibling to)
Pemberton, John
Pemberton, Rebecca Clifford
Pemberton Hollingsworth, Anna Clifford
Pemberton Hollingsworth, Anna Clifford
Pemberton, Israel, 1813-1885
John Clifford Pemberton, 1814-1881
Pemberton, Andrew Jackson
(is sibling to)
Pemberton, Israel, 1813-1885 (is parent of)