John Cadwalader, 1843-1925
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John Cadwalader (1843-1925) was the son of Judge John and his second wife Henrietta Maria Bancker, whom he married in 1833. John, like his father before him, was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and a distinguished member of the Philadelphia bar. His keen intellect brought him into a variety of different positions, including director of the public schools, collector of the Port of Philadelphia, trustee of the University of Pennsylvania and a director of numerous corporations. He also served as president of the Trust Company of North America, the Baltimore and Philadelphia Steamboat Company, and the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind, in which he had a particular interest. In 1866, John married Mary Helen Fisher, daughter of Joshua Francis Fisher, whose ancestors included members of the Logan family, prominent members of the Society of Friends since the days of William Penn.