Westbrook, Theodoric R., 1821-1885
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Theodoric Westbrook was a congressman and New York Supreme Court Justice.
Westbrook was born on November 20, 1882 in New York. He graduated from Rutgers College in 1838, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1843. He practiced in Kingston, Ulster County, NY. Westbrook became a member of the US House of Representatives in 1853 and served only one term (1853-1855). In 1873, Westbrook became a Justice of the New York Supreme Court.
Westbrook was accused of using his judicial powers to help Jay Gould acquire the Manhattan Elevated Railway Company. A special committee of the NY State Assembly investigated the accusations and found Westbrook innocent of the corruption charges. It was rumored that the committee members had accepted bribes, and, thus, Westbrook’s reputation was forever tarnished. He died on October 6, 1885.