Alfred L. Elwyn, 1804-1884
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A nonpracticing physician, an author, a philanthropist and a pioneer in the training and care of mentally disabled in the US. In addition, Elwyn was one of the founding officers of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Blind in 1833, and later served as the Institution's president. Elwyn also headed a Pennsylvania agricultural society and farm school. In addition, Elwyn was president of a society for prevential of cruelty to animals. He served as treasurer of the American Association for the Advancement of Science between 1849 and 1870.
Elwyn graduated from Harvard University in 1823, and studied medicine overseas from 1824-1829. He returned in 1831 and received his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He never practiced medicine, but was an active philanthropist and author.
The town of Elwyn, Pennsylvania and the care and training facility Elwyn are named for him.