James Starr, Sarah Logan Wister Starr, and S. Logan Wister Starr (Blain) photographs
Permanent ID:
Image Description:
(1) Sarah Logan Wister Starr with Mrs. George Earle and Sweidish Crown Princess Louise, 1933; (2) "Mrs. Jas. Starr Jr., National League for Women's Service," circa 1917; (3) Mr. and Mrs. James Starr with daughter, Miss Sarah Logan Starr, 1930; (4) Mrs. James Starr with Miss Sarah Logan Starr, undated.
Width: 24.4 cm, Height: 19.6 cm
Width: 20.4 cm, Height: 25.7 cm
Width: 15.6 cm, Height: 21.9 cm
Width: 12.5 cm, Height: 17 cm