Ephrata Cloister watercolor
Ephrata Cloister watercolor
Ephrata Cloister watercolor

Ephrata Cloister watercolor

Permanent ID:
Call number:
Bb 74 E 63
Image Description:
Watercolor painting of the monastary buildings at the Ephrata cloister, Lancaster County, PA. Cocalico Creek is in the foreground, with wooden barns, cows, and pasture rise above it. The buildings include the Brothers' House, a monastary, and the Sisters' House, a convent.
The Ephrata Cloister was a religious commune founded by Conrad Beissel in 1732.
Monastary building, Seventh Day Baptists / Ephrata, Lancaster Co. Pa. / Built May 1733. Cloisters, graveyard, Brother House, House of the Sisters. / Monastary buildings = belonging to 7th day Baptists in Ephrata Pa on / Coparana Cocalico Creek
, Lancaster CountyEphrata
Width: 43.5 cm, Height: 25.5 cm
Historical Society of Pennsylvania medium graphics collection
Related People or Organizations:
Conrad Beissel, 1691-1768 (relates to)
Ephrata Cloister (relates to)