John Monaghan and friends photograph, 1928
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Image Description:
From Dan Rottenberg's biography of Albert Greenfield: "A circle of Greenfield's friends gathered in 1928 to honor John Monaghan (front left, in light suit) upon his election as Philadelphia's District Attorney. Greenfeild stands just behind Monaghan in the center. Other in the picture include Lemuel Schofield, Philadelphia's Director of Public Safety as well as Greenfield's lawyer (front left), Mayor Harry Mackey (right of Schofield), Greenfield's early employer John J. McDevitt (second row, right, with arm draped over his shoulder), and Greenfield's associate Maurice Wurzel (light suit, directly behind Greenfield ). To Wurzel's right, in the bow tie, is Daniel G. Murphy, a lawer who publicly attacked Greenfield during Greenfield's feud with Moses Annenberg in 1938.
Width: 27.5 cm, Height: 39 cm