Michelangelo Buonarroti contract with Pope Leo X, 1508 [Italian and Latin]

Michelangelo Buonarroti contract with Pope Leo X, 1508 [Italian and Latin]

Permanent ID:
January 19 1508
Image Description:
Original draft of a contract between Michealangelo and Pope Leo X for the construction of the facade of the Church of San Lorenzo, in Florence, Italy. This contract gives the accurate specifications of the work, which the artist engages himself to execute. The dimensions of decorations, columns, statues, etc., are given, and it would be easy to form an idea of the plan and scope of the work projected; these particulars were never built from his designs. It begins (translated): "Be it known to all persons that this day, the 19 of January, 1508, His Holiness, Pope Leo X, has taken into his service Michelagniolo di Lodovico di Bonaroto Simone, a Florentine sculptor, who undertakes to erect the edifice and the walls of the facade of St. Laurent at Florence, in the manner and on the conditions hereinafter set forth." The portion in Michelangelo's own autograph is (translated) as follows: "I, the above named Michelangniolo do Lodovico do Simone, am content with what is contained in the writing, and certify that I have written in Rome, with my own hand, that which is said above."

This letter was purchased at auction for the Simon Gratz autograph collection as number 1683 of Count Paar's sale in Berlin for $600.
Width: 43.0 cm, Height: 29.3 cm
Simon Gratz autograph collection
Related People or Organizations:
Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1475-1564 (author)
Pope Leo X, 1475-1521 (correspondent)
Library of Congress Subjects:
Michelangelo Buonarroti, 1475-1564
Raphael, 1483-1520. Leo X with the Cardinals