A Map of the State of Pennsylvania by Reading Howell, 1811

A Map of the State of Pennsylvania by Reading Howell, 1811

Permanent ID:
Call number:
Of* 500 1811
Image Description:
Map of the state of Pennsylvania showing county borders as they stood in 1800, as well as major roads, cities, towns, and township borders. Also includes major rivers, creeks, and mountain ranges. Counties in Maryland that border Pennsylvania are also shown.

The lower right corner shows the figure of Hermes in a winged cap presenting the Caduceus staff and the Pennsylvania coat of arms. In the lower left corner is a small figure of the "Schuylkill permanent Bridge," the covered bridge spanning the river on Market Street in Philadelphia, completed in 1805.
Related People or Organizations:
Reading Howell, 1743-1827 (cartographer)
Vallance, J. (John), 1770-1823 (engraver)
Kimber & Conrad (publisher)
Johnson & Warner (publisher)