Another Bombardment, the Newspaper Fleet Firing on the Bedouins in Washington political cartoon, 1882
Permanent ID:
August 2 1882
Image Description:
In the image, a fleet of newspaper editors in paper gunboats are armed with ink, pens, and cannons and surround a fort secured by a group of "bedouins in Washington" flying a "plunder" Flag. The editors include Charles A. Dana of the New York Sun, James Gordon Bennett of the New York Herald, Carl Schurz of the Evening Post, Henry Watterson of the Courier-Journal, and George William Curtis of Harper's Weekly. The symbol for Puck, a putto, also rides in one of the gunboats, as do editors of the Brooklyn Eagle, Philadelphia Times, and the New York Times. Defenders of the fort include George M. Robeson who wears a "record" bandage around his head, Joseph Warren Keifer who holds a "Keifer" knife, and John Logan who carries a "306" bag. Also present in the fort are John P. Jones, James D. Cameron, David Davis, and John Sherman.
Condemnation, exposure, ensure, and criticism" bombs explode upon the fort. Paper stacks labeled "logrolling, corrupt bills, and bargains" comprise the walls of the fort. Cannons labeled "Mississippi levee, mileage steal, public buildings, monitor job, and pension arrears $ 103.962.300" fire on the newspaper editors. The "US Treasury Ammunition House" is located within the fort.
Political cartoons; Chromolithograph; Clipping
Width: 49 cm, Height: 33.5 cm
Historical Society of
Balch Broadsides: Satirical Cartoons
Related People or Organizations:
Bernhard Gillam, 1856-1896 (artist)
Biunno, Diane (Transcribed by)
Biunno, Diane (Encoded by)
Mayer, Merkel & Ottmann (lithographer)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania (repository)
Dana, C. A. (Charles Anderson), 1819-1897 (depicted)
Bennett, James Gordon, 1841-1918 (depicted)
Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906 (depicted)
Watterson, Henry, 1840-1921 (depicted)
Curtis, George William, 1824-1892 (depicted)
Whitelaw Reid, 1837-1912 (depicted)
Robeson, George M. (George Maxwell), 1829-1897 (depicted)
Keifer, Joseph Warren, 1836-1932 (depicted)
Davis, David, 1815-1886 (depicted)
John Alexander Logan, 1826-1886 (depicted)
J. D. Cameron, 1833-1918 (depicted)
Jones, John P. (John Percival), 1829-1912 (depicted)
John Sherman, 1823-1900 (depicted)
New York Times (mentioned)
New York Herald (mentioned)
New York Tribune (mentioned)
Puck (mentioned)
Harper's Weekly (mentioned)
Keppler & Schwarzmann (publisher)