East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia engraving, 1754
East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia engraving, 1754
East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia engraving, 1754
East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia engraving, 1754
East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia engraving, 1754

East Prospect of the City of Philadelphia engraving, 1754

Permanent ID:
Call number:
Bc 864 H4343 Pl. 1-4
September 1 1754
Image Description:
 Print shows a view of Philadelphia from across the Delaware River with many ships in the foreground; includes vignettes of the "Battery" and the "State house," as well as a street plan between the Schuylkill and Delaware rivers, and "A description of the situation, harbour &c of the city and port of Philadelphia" with legend of prominent features identified on the print by number.

Print is in four plates. Images 1-4 are the individual plates, image 5 is a composite image.
Width: 233.68 cm, Height: 71.12 cm
Historical Society of Pennsylvania large graphics collection
Related People or Organizations:
Scull, Nicholas (surveyor)
Heap, George (etcher)
Vandergucht, Gerard (engraver)