For He Himself Has Said It political cartoon, 1914

For He Himself Has Said It political cartoon, 1914

Permanent ID:
July 27 1914
Image Description:
On a wall, A young Teddy Roosevelt draws an image of himself as an adult.  He also has drawn a group of men who he has labeled Charlie Murphy, Penrose, and Bill Barnes.  Some of the letters in their names are written backwards so that it looks like a child's handwriting.

On July 22, 1914 Roosevelt accused Bill Barnes, owner of the Albany Times-Union, of corruption and of working with two known political bosses, Boies Penrose and Charlie Murphy.  His comments were published in newspapers across the country.  The following day Barnes filed a suit against Roosevelt.  At the conclusion of the trial, Roosevelt was found innocent and Barnes' political career was over.
Political cartoons; Clipping
Width: 17.5 cm, Height: 21 cm
Historical Society of Pennsylvania