Fording Salt River

Fording Salt River

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Image Description:
An election-year satire favoring Free Soil candidate Martin Van Buren in the 1848 presidential election. A long-legged John Van Buren carries his father on piggyback throught Salt River, heading toward the White House on the far Shore. "Matty" says, "Thanks to your long legs, John, I believe that I shall pass over this Jordan dry shod." The younger Van Buren assures his father, "Hold on Dad and I'll put you through." Meanwhile, abolitionist editor Horace Greeley and candidates Taylor and Clay are having a more difficult time fording the river. Clay is immersed head first, leaving only his legs visible. Taylor is neck-deep in the water. Greely yells to Kentucky Whig leader Cassius M. Clay, seated on the near bank, "Help, Cassius, or I sink." Clay replies, "Can't come there, Horace, I risked my life in Mexico and I don't like to do it again."
New York
Lithograph; Political cartoons
Width: 39.1 cm, Height: 29.1 cm
Related Person or Organization:
Baille, J. (publisher)