Taking the Stump or Stephen in Search of His Mother political cartoon, circa 1860

Taking the Stump or Stephen in Search of His Mother political cartoon, circa 1860

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Image Description:
A political satire on Stephen Douglas's 1860 campaign.  Douglas, is shown in the center with a stomp on his leg in relation to 'a big lump of Breckenridge.'  To the far left is John Bell, a Constitutional Union presidential candidate and next to him is Henry A. Wise, a Democratic governer of Virginia. Behind Douglas is James Buchanan handing a stump to Douglas's rival in the campaign, John C. Breckenridge.  Breckinridge has his injury due to Douglas's victory at the Democratic Convention in Baltimore.  To the far right shows Abraham Lincoln looking rather confident in himself along with a remark towards the stumps that the men have acquired since their last campaign.  

Artist is Louis Maurer, a lithograph published by Currier & Ives.
Political cartoons
Historical Society of Pennsylvania cartoons and caricatures collection
Related Person or Organization:
Currier & Ives (publisher)