Brief Account of the Province of Pennsylvania broadside, 1681
Brief Account of the Province of Pennsylvania broadside, 1681
Brief Account of the Province of Pennsylvania broadside, 1681
Brief Account of the Province of Pennsylvania broadside, 1681
Brief Account of the Province of Pennsylvania broadside, 1681
Brief Account of the Province of Pennsylvania broadside, 1681

Brief Account of the Province of Pennsylvania broadside, 1681

Permanent ID:
Call number:
Ap681 P4122
Image Description:
Broadsheet of William Penn's early description and advertisement of the Pennsylvania colony. He describes the lifestyle and environment to be expected by newcomers, as well as a brief description and pricing of the transatlantic journey from England.
A Brief Account of the Province of Pennsilvania [sic] in America, lately granted under the Great Seal of England to William Penn, &c. (Full title)
Printed Matter
Width: 20 cm, Height: 33 cm
Related Person or Organization:
William Penn, 1644-1718 (author)