Wanamaker and Brown's Oak Hall department store exterior photograph and prints
Wanamaker and Brown's Oak Hall department store exterior photograph and prints
Wanamaker and Brown's Oak Hall department store exterior photograph and prints

Wanamaker and Brown's Oak Hall department store exterior photograph and prints

Permanent ID:
Image Description:
This online record contains three images of two illustrations and one photograph of John Wanamaker's (1838-1922) first retail clothing store, Oak Hall. Located at 6th and Market Sreets. Oak Hall sold clothes for men and boys. Wanamaker opened the store with his brother-in-law Nathan Brown [1829-1868] in 1861.
6th and Market Streets, Philadelphia
Art Print; Photographs
Width: 20.2 cm, Height: 25.3 cm
Width: 14.2 cm, Height: 25.4 cm
John Wanamaker collection
Related Person or Organization:
Wanamaker, John, 1838-1922 (relates to)
Library of Congress Subjects:
Wanamaker, John, 1838-1922
Oak Hall (Pa.)
Center City District (Philadelphia, Pa.)