Joseph Pancoast portrait, 1876
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Image Description:
Portrait of Joseph Pancoast (1805-1882) from the second of two photograph albums of important Philadelphia men taken by W. Curtis Taylor and Company for the Centennial Exhibition. Pancoast was a renowned American surgeon. His name is eponymic to the practice of surgery, in general, and plastic surgery, in particular. Pancoast was responsible for many seminal advancements in surgery that he described, and were depicted graphically, in numerous scholarly articles and books. His greatest work, A Treatise on Operative Surgery, was published in 1844. He was also famous for his lectures and clinics in anatomy and surgery. From 1839 to 1841, he was Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Jefferson Medical College. From 1841 until his resignation in 1874, Pancoast was Chairman of the Department of Anatomy at the same institution.
This digital record contains one image that depicts one portrait from box 115 (labeled as: "Representative Men of Phila. 1876").
914 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
Width: 30 cm, Height: 36 cm