Bywater's Philadelphia Business Directory and City Guide new street names table and foldout map, 1850
Bywater's Philadelphia Business Directory and City Guide new street names table and foldout map, 1850
Bywater's Philadelphia Business Directory and City Guide new street names table and foldout map, 1850
Bywater's Philadelphia Business Directory and City Guide new street names table and foldout map, 1850
Bywater's Philadelphia Business Directory and City Guide new street names table and foldout map, 1850

Bywater's Philadelphia Business Directory and City Guide new street names table and foldout map, 1850

Permanent ID:
Call number:
Wa 01V
Image Description:
This digital record contains images that depict selected pages from Maurice Bywater's Philadelphia Business Directory for the Year 1850. Specifically, the images depict: the exterior front cover, title-page with attached fold-out map of Philadelphia, and pages 170-174 containing a conversion table for Philadelphia's old street numbers.

Before 1858, street numbers in downtown Philadelphia counted west from the Delaware River and north/south from Market Street. For example, 271 Market Street was located at the corner of 7th and Market. This table allows you to place these older street numbers on the appropriate blocks.
Printed Matter
Width: 8.8 cm, Height: 14.3 cm, Depth: 1.6 cm
Related Person or Organization:
Maurice Bywater (publisher)