William Penn Reflections on the Penal Laws and the Test Act manuscript pamphlet, 1687
William Penn Reflections on the Penal Laws and the Test Act manuscript pamphlet, 1687
William Penn Reflections on the Penal Laws and the Test Act manuscript pamphlet, 1687
William Penn Reflections on the Penal Laws and the Test Act manuscript pamphlet, 1687
William Penn Reflections on the Penal Laws and the Test Act manuscript pamphlet, 1687

William Penn Reflections on the Penal Laws and the Test Act manuscript pamphlet, 1687

Permanent ID:
July 1687
Sr Off [sic] the Penal & Tests (Transcribed title)

Reflexions [sic] in reference to the penall Laws and the Tests (Endorsement)
Ferdinand J. Dreer autograph collection
Related Person or Organization:
William Penn, 1644-1718 (creator)