Junior Artillerists of Philadelphia
Permanent ID:
Call number:
Bb 613 J 96
May 5 1829
Image Description:
Certificate containing a scene showing three junior artillerists in uniform and armed with bayonets at a cannon in a field. Two of the militia men lean on the cannon as the third sits on a log in front of them. In the background, tents at the militia campsite are visible and a militia man walks past a stack of barrels. Junior Artillerists formed from the "Young Men’s Democratic Society" in 1813 during the War of 1812 and helped to occupy Fort Mifflin. Geyer was possibly Philadelphia leather dealer William B. Geyer who operated a store at South Third and Lombard streets in the 1840s. Issued to William B. Geyer for seven successive years of service in the first Regiment of Artillery first Brigade first Division P[ennsylvania] M[ilitia] on May 5, 1829. Signed by Robt. Cooper, captain.
Width: 28 cm, Height: 42 cm