Julia Smiley and Emma M. Smiley daguerreotypes, 1852

Permanent ID:
Image Description:
Left image: 1/6 plate; Girl seated on an elaborate studio chair, her hair parted in the middle and smoothed back, wearing a short-sleeved printed dress with a Jenny Lind collar, small hoop earings, and fine netted silk mitts (fingerless gloves), with color applied to the cheeks. Right image: 1/6 plate; Girl seated on an elaborate studio chair, her hair parted in the middle and smoothed back with a braid tied with a ribbon pulled over her shoulder, wearing a short-sleeved printed dress with a Jenny Lind collar, small hoop earings, and fine netted silk mitts (fingerless gloves), with color applied to the cheeks. Preservers: Straight and embossed with simple pattern (after 1850). Mats: Nonpariel with sandy finish (1840s). Case: Leather-covered wood-frame with a floral design on the front, no design on the back, red velvet pinchpads (1849-50).
(ink): Daguerreotype taken / Phila. Pa. 1852 (Paper adhered to cover glass)

(ink): Julia Smiley / (Mrs. Edward Goodfellow) (Paper adhered to cover glass)

(ink): Emma M. Smiley / (Mrs. Jno. C. Cole) / Troy, N.Y. (Paper adhered to cover glass)

Daguerreotype taken / Phila. Pa. 1852 (Paper adhered to cover glass)
Daguerreotype; Daguerreotype
Width: each image 7.2 cm, Height: 8.5 cm
Width: each image 2 13/16 in, Height: 3 11/32 in
Width: 8.1 cm, Height: 9.5 cm, Depth: 2 cm
Width: 3 3/16 in, Height: 3 3/4 in, Depth: 13/16 in
Historical Society of Pennsylvania cased photographs collection
Related People or Organizations:
Smiley, George W. (relates to)
Smiley, Emma M. (depicted)
Smiley, Esther A. (relates to)
Carter, George E. (relates to)
Smiley, Julia (depicted)
Smiley, Maria L. (relates to)
Library of Congress Subjects:
Portrait photography--United States
Photography of children