Mary Russell
Permanent ID:
circa 1860
Image Description:
Image: 1/6 plate; Girl seated in front of elaborate painted backdrop with arm resting on a book upon a cloth-covered posing table, with her hair parted in the center and pulled back behind her ears, gathered low at the base of her head, dressed in a light colored pattern printed dress with long full sleeves gathered in a cuff at the wrists, pleated at the waist, covered in a dark silk pelerine pinned at the front, and a white collar over top, with a ring on one hand, and color applied to her cheeks.
Preserver: Fancier with inward points at the corners (after 1858).
Mat: Oval with matte finish and ornate (late 1850s).
Case: Thermoplastic with a common "Eagle and Flag" design (Berg No. 1-55) on the front and a common geometric design (Berg No. 3-107) on the back, with red velvet pinchpad, ruby red velvet cushion embossed with geometric design (1853-1860s).
(stamped): Littlefield, Parsons & Co., / MANUFACTURERS OF / Daguerreotype Cases. / L., P. & Co., are the sole / Proprietors and only legal Manu- / facturers of UNION CASES, with the / Embracing Riveted Hinge. / Patented October 14, 1856, / and April 21, 1857.
(Paper liner behind image package)
(ink): Mary Russell / (pencil): 2A 106
(Enclosed note)
Width: 7 cm, Height: 8.2 cm
Width: 2 25/32 in, Height: 3 7/32 in
Width: 8.3 cm, Height: 9.4 cm, Depth: 2.3 cm
Width: 3 9/32 in, Height: 3 11/16 in, Depth: 7/8 in