Christian Busse correspondence to Conrad Weiser, 1756

Permanent ID:
April 3 1756
May 27 1756
July 15 1756
July 21 1756
August 21 1756
October 3 1756
October 23 1756
November 13 1756
December 15 1756
Image Description:
Christian Busse correspondence to Conrad Weiser from Volume 1 of the Conrad Weisser papers. Conrad Weiser (November 2, 1696 – July 13, 1760), a German immigrant who settled in Pennsylvania and became an Indian affairs agent and lieutenant colonel for the British forces in the French and Indian War. Weiser was responsible for negotiating many treaties with the Iroquois which transfered land ownership from the Native Americans to the colony of Pennsylvania and ensured the support of the Iroquois for the British during the war. His papers consist of correspondence, financial records, muster rolls, legal documents, and a bound ledger. The manuscripts in this collection were originally bound into two volumes, and their folders retain their volume and page numbers. The order of items in the volumes was loosely chronological and this arrangement has been kept.
Conrad Weiser papers
Related Person or Organization:
Busse, Christian (author)
Library of Congress Subjects:
Busse, Christian
Weiser, Conrad