Yellow Seeds newspaper, 1973 [Vol. 1, No. 6]
Yellow Seeds newspaper, 1973 [Vol. 1, No. 6]
Yellow Seeds newspaper, 1973 [Vol. 1, No. 6]

Yellow Seeds newspaper, 1973 [Vol. 1, No. 6]

Permanent ID:
September 1973
Image Description:
Yellow Seeds was an organization founded on the edge of Philadelphia's Chinatown which offered public services in regards to translation, housing, the elderly, the military draft, immigration rights, and other issues facing the Asian-American community. They began publishing a quarterly bilingual [English-Chinese] newspaper of the same name in 1972. They were mostly concerned with the destructiveness of urban renewel to Philadelphia's Chinatown, Chinese worker's rights, and uniting all working-class people of color across Philadelphia.  Yellow Seeds was a newspaper for the Asian community in Philadelphia.  These images show the cover and a detail of the September 1973 edition which reports on a community protest of demolition at 10th and Vine Streets relating to the Vine Street Expressway construction.
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