Fridrich Leubold: Receipt (March 9, 1756); Andreas Engel to Conrad Weiser (March 14, 1757)
Fridrich Leubold: Receipt (March 9, 1756); Andreas Engel to Conrad Weiser (March 14, 1757)
Fridrich Leubold: Receipt (March 9, 1756); Andreas Engel to Conrad Weiser (March 14, 1757)
Fridrich Leubold: Receipt (March 9, 1756); Andreas Engel to Conrad Weiser (March 14, 1757)

Fridrich Leubold: Receipt (March 9, 1756); Andreas Engel to Conrad Weiser (March 14, 1757)

Permanent ID:
March 9 1756
March 14 1757
Financial; Correspondence
Conrad Weiser papers
Related People or Organizations:
Weiser, Conrad (correspondent)
Leubold, Fridrich (relates to)
Engel, Andreas (author)