African Immigrants Project Fruit vendor photographs, 2000
African Immigrants Project Fruit vendor photographs, 2000
African Immigrants Project Fruit vendor photographs, 2000
African Immigrants Project Fruit vendor photographs, 2000
African Immigrants Project Fruit vendor photographs, 2000
African Immigrants Project Fruit vendor photographs, 2000
African Immigrants Project Fruit vendor photographs, 2000
African Immigrants Project Fruit vendor photographs, 2000
African Immigrants Project Fruit vendor photographs, 2000

African Immigrants Project Fruit vendor photographs, 2000

Permanent ID:
October 14 2000
Image Description:
Photographs documenting the African communities in Philadelphia for the African Immigrants Project. Images taken by photographer Vera Viditz-Ward.
John and Mohamed, fruit vendors / October 14/00 / Haverford and 63rd / Ghanaian and Ivoirian [Ivorian] (Label on back of photos)

Photograph / © Vera Viditz-Ward / All Rights Reserved (Stamped on back of photos)
Haverford and 63rd, Philadelphia