Brady's Pubb, Beef and Beer menu, undated
Brady's Pubb, Beef and Beer menu, undated

Brady's Pubb, Beef and Beer menu, undated

Permanent ID:
Image Description:
Menu for Brady's Pubb featuring an image of an Irish man on the front cover.  In the image the man's head, shoulders and right hand are visible.  He wears a top hat with a three-leaf clover tucked in the brim and smokes a short pipe.  His image is placed in an outline of Ireland.  Certain towns and bodies of water are labeled on the map: Londonderry, Belfast, Dublin, Killarney, Donegal Bay, and the River Shannon.   The back cover includes an image of a hat with a three-leaf clover tucked into its buckled brim accompanied by a Churchwarden pipe and a wooden shillelagh.
Printed Matter
Width: 22 cm, Height: 33 cm (image)
Width: 22 cm, Height: 33 cm (image)