Cafeteria at the Philadelphia Navy Yard photograph, 1919
Permanent ID:
March 11 1919
Image Description:
Photograph of servicemen in the cafeteria at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, from the Philadelphia War Photograph Committee collection documenting World War I participation on the Philadelphia home front.
#6 "Cafeteria" in Camp Photo by Replogle. Navy Yard, Phila. Mar. 11, 1919.
(On recto, bottom left-hand corner)
Recreational Centre Naval Learning Camp League Island, Philadelphia This work was started by the National League for Woman's Service, on January 17th, 1918 and continued in operation until April 28th of 1919. The number of men served during that time was about half a million and the gross receipts were $82,255.85. All profits were spent for the general welfare of the enlisted men, either for athletic outfits or recreational work, or for the "Lich Bay." The work was done entirely by volunteer workers, of whom there were about 100 [illegible] on duty in rotation every two weeks. E.A. Reath Chief of Canteen League Island
(On verso)