A Bad Egg
Permanent ID:
Call number:
Bb 612 B14
Image Description:
Whig presidential candidate Winfild Scott is pictured as a fighting cock with human attributes.The cock wears fringed military epaulets, a waord, spurs, and a plumed hat. He is just emerged from an egg marked, "Free Soil Egg hatched at Baltimore June 21st, 1852" (the date of Scott's nomination), which lies broken at his feet. "Fuss and Feathers" (a popular nickname for Scott crows, "Cock a doodle doo! I'm Bill Sewards Cock!!! Whose cock are you?" This reflects public perceptions of Scott as the candidate of antislavery interests in the Whig party led by William Henry Seward, Thurlow Weed, and others.
Lithographs; Political cartoons
Width: 26.5 cm, Height: 40.5 cm (image)