Brigham Young from Behind his Breastworks Charging the United States Troops political cartoon, circa 1858

Brigham Young from Behind his Breastworks Charging the United States Troops political cartoon, circa 1858

Permanent ID:
Call number:
Bb 612 B768
1856 – 1858
In 1857-1858, US President James Buchanan sent approximately 1,500 US troops to Utah to enforce federal laws among the territory's settlers. This lithographed political cartoon depicts an imagined attack on federal troops by Mormon leader Brigham Young and his "army" of grandmothers, wives, and children. At center, Young is shown holding a riding crop and waving his hat as he sits on shoulders of a woman blowing a bugle. Behind him are old women brandishing brooms, scissors, and shovels. In front of him are hordes of women, assumed to be his numerous wives, and bawling children. At far right, army troops flee as wagons burn in the background. Meanwhile, several small, shaggy dogs and a pig run through the scene.
Lithograph; Political cartoons
Width: 40 cm, Height: 25.5 cm
Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Historical Society of Pennsylvania medium graphics collection
Related People or Organizations:
Unknown Artist (artist)
Moloshok, Rachel (Transcribed by)
Moloshok, Rachel (Encoded by)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania (repository)
Young, Brigham, 1801-1877 (depicted)