Godfrey [Gottfried] Weyland [Wieland] and Laurence Spindler indenture, 1765

Godfrey [Gottfried] Weyland [Wieland] and Laurence Spindler indenture, 1765

Permanent ID:
September 28 1765
September 9 1765
Image Description:
Indenture between Godfrey [Gottfried] Weyland [Wieland] and Laurence Spindler. Pertains to land in Brecknock, Berks County. Indenture was made September 9, 1765 and signed September 28, 1765 by Loebold Jost, Benjamin Parvin, Henry Christ, and Gottfried Wieland. The indenture itself appears to have been printed in Ephrata, PA.

Legal document. Printed with manuscript additions in black ink. Language: English.
Legal; Art Print
Width: 50.7 cm, Height: 39.7 cm