Anthracite coal WPA print, circa 1931-1944

Permanent ID:
Image Description:
W.P.A. print regarding the etymology of "Anthracite." This print was completed sometime between 1931-1944 by an unamed artist.

This online record contains one image that depicts one print from folder three. The folder contains five identical copies of this print.
The word "anthracite" is derived from the Greek word "anthraces" which was used in the first mention of coal about 371 B. C.
Theophrastus a Greek philosopher mentions in his treatise on stones, "fossil substances found in the way Olympias called coals, which kindle and burn like wood coals."
Width: 24.1 cm, Height: 31.2 cm
Works Projects Administration posters collection
Library of Congress Subjects:
United States. Work Projects Administration [info:lc/authorities/names/n80046793]
Anthracite coal [info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh85005549]
Anthracite coal--Pennsylvania [info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh2009115005]
Printmaking [info:lc/vocabulary/graphicMaterials/tgm008235]