Earnest Work Needed pamphlet, 1800

Permanent ID:
Image Description:
A leaflet published and distributed by the Women's National Indian Association. This particular item was written by Amelia Stone Quinton (1833-1926). Quinton founded the WNIA with Mary Lucinda Bonney (1816-1900), principal of the Chestnut Street Seminery and Ogontz School for Girls. Both women feared that white settlement would encroach into Native American reservations and together their organization circulated leaflets and petitions which eventually culminated in the Dawes General Allotment Act of 1887. In general they supported christianization, education, and assimilation of Native Americans.

This digital record contains one image that depict all written content on the described leaflet.
1109 Girard Avenue, Philadelphia
Related Person or Organization:
Women's National Indian Association (WNIA) (publisher)
Library of Congress Subjects:
Leaflets of the Women's National Indian Association [info:lc/authorities/names/no98087082]