Caspar Morris portrait, 1876

Caspar Morris portrait, 1876

Permanent ID:
Image Description:
Portrait of Caspar Morris (1805-1884) from the second of two photograph albums of important Philadelphia men taken by W. Curtis Taylor and Company.  Morris was a prominent Philadelphia physician.  He received his medical doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania in 1826.  In addition to setting up his own practice, he helped establish several local institutions such as the Institution for the Blind, the Protestant Episcopal Hospital, the House of Refuge, and the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Epiphany.

This digital record contains one image that depicts one portrait from box 115 (labeled as: "Representative Men of Phila. 1876").
914 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
Width: 30 cm, Height: 36 cm
Herbert Welsh Collection
Related People or Organizations:
W. Curtis Taylor And Company (creator)
Caspar Morris, 1805-1884 (depicted)
Library of Congress Subjects:
Morris, Caspar Wistar, 1764-1828
Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind
Centennial Exhibition (1876 : Philadelphia, Pa.)