McKillop, Sprague and Company Commercial Agency Register, 1870
McKillop, Sprague and Company Commercial Agency Register, 1870
McKillop, Sprague and Company Commercial Agency Register, 1870
McKillop, Sprague and Company Commercial Agency Register, 1870
McKillop, Sprague and Company Commercial Agency Register, 1870
McKillop, Sprague and Company Commercial Agency Register, 1870

McKillop, Sprague and Company Commercial Agency Register, 1870

Permanent ID:
Call number:
Tq .317
Image Description:
This Commercial Register contains "credit ratings" for businesses across the United States. These registers were used confidentially by traveling salesmen to determine the likelihood of payment from a particular business. Publishers went to great lengths to preserve confidentiality when printing these registers, and each volume contains a unique book number on the inside of the front cover, which is tied to the individual saleman for liability purposes. The book number for this volume was removed before its donation to HSP. This digital record contains sample images of this volume, including: the front cover, interior front cover, title page, first page spread of the Pennsylvania section, first page spread of the Philadelphia section. The volume is very large and contains sections on all existing states and major cities.
37 Park Row and 145 Nassau Street, New York City
Printed Matter