• Minstrelsy items from the Frank Dumont scrapbooks, 1869 [Image 1]
    Minstrelsy items from the Frank Dumont scrapbooks, 1869 [Image 1]
Minstrelsy items from the Frank Dumont scrapbooks, 1869
Minstrelsy items from the Frank Dumont scrapbooks, 1869
Minstrelsy items from the Frank Dumont scrapbooks, 1869

Minstrelsy items from the Frank Dumont scrapbooks, 1869

Permanent ID:
Call number:
Image Description:
This is a series of pictures of minstrel actors, with black face, wigs, comedic expressions, and tattered clothes. During this time period minstrel shows were widely popular forms of comedy. This type of comedy generally mocked blacks due to slavery, poor living conditions, and poor grammar.  Image 1: These images were used as printers' examples of advertising templates.  Images 2 and 3: Newspaper notices and photographs of performances and performers.
Printed Matter
Frank Dumont Minstrelsy Scrapbook
Related Person or Organization:
Frank Dumont, 1848-1919 (creator)
Library of Congress Subjects:
Minstrel shows [info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh85085877]
Minstrel music [info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh95008868]
Blackface entertainment [info:lc/vocabulary/graphicMaterials/tgm001075]
racial stereotyping [info:lc/vocabulary/ethnographicTerms/afset014837]