Political Barbecue: Going the Whole Hog political cartoon, circa 1835
Permanent ID:
Call number:
Bc 612 Pb 232
1834 – 1835
Image Description:
In this political cartoon, which comments Andrew Jackson's removal of federal funds from the Bank of the United States, President Jackson is drawn as a pig with a human head, wearing one boot, roasting on a stove labeled "The Purifying Furnace of Public Opinion." Behind the barbecue stand five men, three of whom comment on the barbecue. Various historians have identified these men as Nicholas Biddle, William B. Preston, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, and an unidentified fifth man. At right, Justice stands and holds the roasting rack steady, while Jack Downing (a popular character in a newspaper serial) kneels and splits kindling wood to feed the fire. At left, William Duane, former Secretary of the Treasury, leans down to stoke the fire, and a devil runs away. Numerous versions of this cartoon exist, some with the image reversed. In some versions of this cartoon, the devil has the face of Martin Van Buren, and all five men standing behind the barbecue speak. H. R. Robinson and Ezra Bisbee are both known to have published variants of this cartoon, but the Historical Society of Pennsylvania's copy of this image differs from theirs. Therefore, the publisher of this cartoon is as yet unknown.
Lithograph; Political cartoons
Historical Society of
Historical Society of Pennsylvania large graphics collection
Related People or Organizations:
Downing, Zek (artist)
Unknown Artist (artist)
Moloshok, Rachel (Transcribed by)
Moloshok, Rachel (Encoded by)
Historical Society of Pennsylvania (repository)
Andrew Jackson, 1767-1845 (depicted)
William Duane, 1760-1835 (depicted)
Martin Van Buren, 1782-1862 (depicted)
Biddle, Nicholas, 1786-1844 (depicted)
Preston, William Ballard, 1805-1862 (depicted)
Daniel Webster, 1782-1852 (depicted)
Henry Clay, 1777-1852 (depicted)
Kendall, Amos, 1789-1869 (mentioned)