Please Omit Flowers political cartoon, 1912

Please Omit Flowers political cartoon, 1912

Permanent ID:
November 6 1912
Image Description:
In the image, Woodrow Wilson rides a "Washington special" train to the White House.  Behind the train lies an elephant, symbol of the Republican party.  A bull moose, symbol of the Progressive party, hangs from the wires.  A broken wagon with the sign "Wilson's election will be a calamity" is next to the train tracks.  A man labeled "the trusts" looks out from the wagon.

Woodrow Wilson became the 28th president of the United States after winning the 1912 election.  He defeated Progressive candidate Theodore Roosevelt and Republican candidate Howard Taft. During the 1912 presidential campaign he called for stricter anti-trust laws and disagreed with Roosevelt's policies which distinguished between "good" and "bad" trusts.  According to Wilson, all trusts were harmful to the economy and must be dismantled.  He served two presidential terms.
Political cartoons; Clipping
Historical Society of Pennsylvania