Fanny [Mary Frances Paschall] ambrotype portrait, 1855
Fanny [Mary Frances Paschall] ambrotype portrait, 1855
Fanny [Mary Frances Paschall] ambrotype portrait, 1855
Fanny [Mary Frances Paschall] ambrotype portrait, 1855

Fanny [Mary Frances Paschall] ambrotype portrait, 1855

Permanent ID:
circa 1855
Image Description:
Image: 1/9 plate; Head and shoulders of young woman with patterned dress and lace collar, wearing a brooch, and ringlets in her hair; applied color to cheeks. Preserver: Straight but more ornate (late 1850s). Mat: Oval, brass with matte finish, ornamented (1850s). Case: Paper-covered wood-frame with floral design, red velvet pinchpad, and red velvet cushion embossed with a geometric design (1850s).
(embossed): Harrison; (ink on paper): 7th day ever / Dear Robert / It is with pleasure I give thee this small token of love. I / give it with the hope that thee may like / it and treasure it for the givers sake. / If it is not as thee would like it allow me / to change it. Oh! my dear one how / I would love to be with thee tonight - / no language of mine can tell of the / depths of my heart, my affections are / unlimited toward those I turn them / and thee dearest is that loved object. (illeg.) / trust in me believe me to be there - / I stood on the verandah a long time / this eve as the darkness gathered round / me alone in person. but in sentiment / thee and the loved thee is with / were near me - / May this picture speak of comfort to / thy lone heart, may it breathe of fond / and deep affection and whisper prayers / for thy future happiness. all these / would the original do if in her power / then to thy imagination let this trifle / speak of me. / All are strangers to me here. I / stand apart and think of thee, and think / of thee. Thee will never know my heart / thee cannot know my deep affection except / by measuring it by the same balance / with thy own. I am in haste so / my darling one Good night. good night. / Thy Fanny (Enclosed Letter)
Width: 5.0 cm, Height: 6.3 cm
Width: 2 in, Height: 2 1/2 in
Width: 6.1 cm, Height: 7.3 cm, Depth: 1.7 cm
Width: 2 3/8 in, Height: 2 7/8 in, Depth: 21/32 in
Historical Society of Pennsylvania cased photographs collection
Paschall-Sellers family papers
Related People or Organizations:
Paschall, Mary Frances (depicted)
Paschall, Anne (was donated by)
Paschall, Robert Scot (relates to)
Library of Congress Subjects:
Photography--Social aspects
Photographic interpretation
Portrait photography--United States