Mary Frances Paschall, aged 12

Permanent ID:
circa 1847
Image Description:
Image: 1/6 plate; Girl seated at posing table wearing long sleeved dress and dark wrist bands (likely ribbons), shoulder-length ringlets in hair, holding a watch or pencil cord between her fingers, possibly her bonnet resting on table, color applied to cheeks and lips, and painted in gold necklace.
Preserver: [none].
Mat: Oval with sandy finish (late 1840s).
Case: Paper-covered wood-frame embossed with "The Delicate Roses, Variant" design [Plate 123 reproduced on page 117 of "American Miniature Case Art" by Floyd and Marion Rinhart (Cranbury, New Jersey: A. S. Barnes and Co., Inc., 1969). Generally produced in large quantity (See page 187 for detailed background information about this design). The illustration shows the roses at the top. On case #111 the roses are on the bottom. Die-engraver: David Pretlove. See brief biographical sketch on page 201.] both front and back, with an eggplant velvet pinchpad and a red silk cushion (1845-1850).
(ink on paper): M. Frances Paschall / about 12 yrs. Old [recto]; (pencil on paper): Gift of Anne Paschall / Aug. 21. 1931 [verso] (Enclosed item)
Width: 6.9 cm, Height: 8.2 cm
Width: 2 23/32 in, Height: 3 1/4 in
Width: 8 cm, Height: 9.2 cm, Depth: 1.7 cm
Width: 3 1/8 in, Height: 3 5/8 in, Depth: 21/32 in
Historical Society of Pennsylvania cased photographs collection
Paschall-Sellers family papers
Related People or Organizations:
Paschall, Mary Frances (depicted)
Paschall, Anne (was donated by)
Library of Congress Subjects:
Portrait photography--United States