Daguerreotype of a man, possibly Algernon Sidney Roberts, Jr., 1858 [copy 1 of 2]

Permanent ID:
April 12 1858
Image Description:
Image: 1/6 plate; Head and shoulders of a man, hair parted on one side and puffed over the forehead, wearing a dark jacket and vest, with a white shirt, collar upturned, with a dark bow tie. Preserver: Straight but more ornate (1850s). Mat: Oval with matte finish and simple embossed design (1850). Case: Leather-covered wood frame embossed with simple lines, with a push-button clasp, metal hinges, a gilded interior edge trim, a red velvet pinchpad and a red velvet cushion embossed with the photographer's name and address (ca. 1850s).
(typed on paper): 7 / April 12, 1858 (on metal lining) daguerrotype [sic] by WILLARD, MARKET St., AB / 16th, Philada, possibly of Algernon Sidney Roberts, Jr. [1827 - 1905] (Enclosed note)

(embossed on velvet): WILLARD / MARKET ST / AB 16TH PHILADA (Case cushion)
Width: 7.0 cm, Height: 8.2 cm
Width: 2 3/4 in, Height: 3 7/32 in
Width: 8.1 cm, Height: 9.4 cm, Depth: 2.0 cm
Width: 3 3/16 in, Height: 3 11/16 in, Depth: 13/16 in
Roberts family Photographs
Related People or Organizations:
Roberts, Algernon Sidney (relates to)
Hyland, Jean H. (was donated by)
Willard, Oliver H. (photographer)
Library of Congress Subjects: