Elizabeth B. K. Earl
Elizabeth B. K. Earl
Elizabeth B. K. Earl

Elizabeth B. K. Earl

Permanent ID:
circa 1847
Image Description:
Image: 1/4 plate; Seated woman wearing a striped long sleeved dress with a fan-front bodice gathered low in a waist-front panel, with a whitework chemisette and cuffs, and dark leather gloves, her hair parted in the center, smoothed over the head covering the ears and falling in ringlets at the back of the neck, a braid set back on the crown. Preserver: [none] (pre-1847). Mat: Brown board with octagonal window, lined in black and white, with gold scrollwork in each corner. Case: Leather covered wood frame embossed with a floral design on the front, and a plain (unembossed) back, with a red velvet pinchpad and a plain (unembossed) red velvet cushion (late 1840s).
(printed on paper): Elizabeth Budd Kner Earl (Collins) (1824-1904) 4th daughter of Thomas Sykes Earl. Married Isaac / Collins III on Dec. 9, 1847. (Identifying List for Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes (housed with collection))

(pencil on applied label): #15 daguerreotype / Elizabeth B.K. Earl / (1824 - 1904) (Verso of adjacent color photographic reproduction)
Width: 8.2 cm, Height: 10.7 cm (image)
Width: 3 7/32 in, Height: 4 7/32 in (image)
Width: 9.3 cm, Height: 11.7 cm, Depth: 1.8 cm (case)
Width: 3 19/32 in, Height: 4 5/8 in, Depth: 23/32 in (case)
Earl, Collins, and Robeson families cased photos
Related People or Organizations:
Barbara Sherman (was donated by)
Earl, Elizabeth Budd Kner (depicted)
Library of Congress Subjects:
Daguerreotype [info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh85035408]
Portrait photography--United States [info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh2010107725]