Elizabeth Brown Chew, 1863-1958

Entity Type:
Date Range:
1863 - 1958
Daughter of Samuel Chew and Mary Brown Chew, Elizabeth Brown Chew acted as a custodian for the Cliveden property, living there for most of her adult life. After her mother’s death, she advocated for Cliveden’s historic preservation and undertook renovations to the property at her own expense. She acted as one of the agents for the Chew Family Trust and managed Cliveden’s affairs until her nephew Samuel (1915-1989), who was heir to the property, reached legal age. Elizabeth never married, but she maintained an active social life, traveling extensively overseas throughout her life and entertaining at Cliveden. After her death, Samuel moved in to Cliveden with his family, and maintained the property until its donation to the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 1972.