Instructions and statistics ca 1943
Instructions and statistics ca 1943
Instructions and statistics ca 1943

Instructions and statistics ca 1943

Permanent ID:
circa 1943
Mrs. Stacy B. Lloyd was the director of the nation's first American Red Cross Allied Prisoners of War Food Packing Service. This folder contains letters including forms with information about the boxes sent overseas. The information includes: value of food, how often are they sent, # of boxes sent, # of volunteer workers, who pays for food, and weight. There are 4 copies of the same form. There is also a typed up sheet of instructions for the "Plan for the packing of food for prisoners of war", which also has handwriting in the margins. The last typed up form is entitled "Notes" which has notes about the building where food is packed and notes about the packing of food. This form also has handwriting in the margins. This last form is the only dated form with a date of February 1, 1943