Grace Ensey Fahnestock and unidentified man
Permanent ID:
circa 1855
Image Description:
Left image: 1/4 plate; Head and shoulders of a man with hair parted on one side, dressed in a black jacket and white button front shirt with an upturned collar and black bow tie.
Right image: 1/4 plate; Head and shoulders of a woman with hair parted in the center, with ringlets covering her drop-earring adorned ears, wearing a black dress buttoned up the front, with a white collar and a brooch clasped at her throat.
Preservers: Straight but more ornate (1850s).
Mats: Oval with matte finish and simple embossed design (1850).
Case: Leather-covered wood-frame book-style case similar in design to Philadelphian H. A. Eichmeyer's band style case, with the distinctive rounding on the hinged and clasped edges (see Plate 41, pages 43-44 of "American Miniature Case Art" by Floyd and Marion Rinhart) but with a different embossed design on the band, and no locatable imprint of the patent stamped into the leather, nor any printed labels behind the image packages, with gilded edge trim on both exterior and interior, a hinged clasp, and purple velvet pinchpads (ca. 1855).
(ink on label): Grace / Ensey / Fahnestock
(Label applied to back exterior of case)
(embossed): McCLEES / PHILA
(Bottom corners of mats on both images)
Width: each image 8.3 cm, Height: 10.8 cm (image)
Width: each image 3 9/32 in, Height: 4 1/4 in (image)
Width: 9.4 cm, Height: 11.7 cm, Depth: 2 cm (case)
Width: 3 11/16 in, Height: 4 5/8 in, Depth: 13/16 in (case)