Col. John J. Lawrence daguerreotype, 1850
Permanent ID:
circa 1850
Image Description:
Image: Oval 1/9 plate; Head and shoulders of a man with hair parted on one side, wearing a dark jacket and vest, a white shirt with collar upturned, and a wide dark bow tie, color applied to his cheeks and mouth. Preserver: Straight but more ornate (1850s). Mat: [none]. Case: Oval thermoplastic case embossed with a rare geometric design (Berg No. 3-415) on both sides of case, with a red velvet pinchpad and a ruby red velvet cushion embossed with a geometric design (1850-60s).
(pencil on paper): Annie W / Baker (printed on paper): Littlefield, Parsons & Co., / MANUFACTURERS OF / Daguerreotype Cases. / L., P. & Co., are the sole / Proprietors and only legal Manu / facturers of UNION CASES, with the / Embracing Riveted Hinge. / Patented October 14, 1856, / and April 21, 1857. (pencil on paper): April 1860.
(Note on paper lining behind image package)
(printed on paper): "O fond and loving spirit, thou / Far, far away from me art now; / I miss the hand of friendship true, / The heart that all my feelings knew. / "But while my grief thus fills my heart, / Thou in God's bosom lying art; Freed from the body's yoke at last, / The gentle soul to life hath past. / "No, spirit! not one moment e'en / Would I recall thee to this scene. / Thou wert full worthy of my love, / And God hath quicken'd the above. / "God will in turn raise me, and then / I shall rejoin thee once again; Into thy loving arms I'll fly, / Immortal thou, immortal I." [recto] of youth, and zealous laymen who, as tract- / distributors, as Sabbath School teachers, / as visitors of the poor, and as the Lord's / 'remembrancers,' (Isa. lxii : 6,) has great- / ly increased within the past few years. / Well-organized Missionary Societies, for / the promotion of the work of the Lord at / home and abroad, exist at Paris, with aux- / iliary or cooperating ones in Lyons and / other large cities, and are gaining in influ- / ence and importance every year. There is / more liberty of the religious press and of / speech now than has been for years. And / in many ways it is now seen that the Gov- / ernment is more tolerant and respectul to / the Protestant Churches than it has been / since the Revolution of 1848. [verso]
(Note enclosed behind image package)
(typed on paper): Col. John J. Lawrence / 1827-1893 / Gift, Mrs. H. Norris Harrison / 1968
(Note adhered to front exterior of image's box enclosure)
(pencil on paper): Anna W Baker
(Note adhered to back exterior of image's box enclosure)
(pencil on board): S. B.
(Inscribed on back interior of image's box enclosure)
Width: 5.3 cm, Height: 6.4 cm
Width: 2 1/16 in, Height: 2 1/2 in
Width: 6.9 cm, Height: 7.9 cm
Width: 2 23/32 in, Height: 3 1/8 in